The Delhi high court criticized the Aam Aadmi birthday party-led Delhi authorities for delaying the submission of the Comptroller and Auditor wellknown (CAG) record at the liquor policy scam, which allegedly brought on a sales lack of ₹2,026 crore. The courtroom referred to as out the authorities for “dragging its feet” in presenting the document to the meeting Speaker and wondered its intentions at the back of the delay.
Justice Sachin Datta expressed difficulty approximately the authorities’s coping with of the issue, pronouncing the postpone raised doubts approximately its credibility. BJP MLAs have driven for a unique assembly consultation to speak about the record, however the courtroom talked about that with elections just across the nook, protecting the sort of consultation won’t be sensible.
The CAG record highlighted most important revenue losses for the Delhi government because of coverage lapses. It pointed to irregularities, including failing to re-soft licenses and granting pointless exemptions, which fee the nation exchequer heavily. The document also stated that a few licenses were issued with out verifying financial data or criminal backgrounds.
AAP MP Sanjay Singh puzzled the authenticity of the file and accused the BJP of spreading misinformation beforehand of the elections. meanwhile, BJP leaders have ramped up their criticism of the Kejriwal authorities, accusing it of corruption in several projects, together with the upkeep of the chief Minister’s residence, which reportedly value ₹32 crore in preference to the planned ₹8 crore.
because the Delhi assembly elections method on February 5, the liquor coverage rip-off and the court docket’s feedback have similarly intensified the political competition between AAP and BJP inside the capital.